Sister Neptune

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Love you!

Hello All!

Just an update to all those wanting letters from me... I sent them. But the Brasilian postal service seems to be on strike or something. i dont know. I dont watch the news. But I sent about a dozen letters. And I know the reason why I havent recieved all those letters you all have sent is because of this whole  brasilian post office strike issue. So just throw a few more letters out there for me ;) just in case, ya know.

One of the elders in our ward was transferred by emergency about 2 hours ago. Were sad. Its almost like we have lost one of our companions. Who knows if the new kid will be cool. I am sure he will be. Hes from the amazons.

I was a bit frustrated this past week with people in general. Take note. If by some rare chance there is a foreigner serving in our ward here are a few things to not do.
- dont make them say the prayer at every meeting/meal/whatever,chances are they can say more than a prayer
- dont not say their name because you cant pronounce it "hello elder freitas, elder alvarenga, sister ribeiro and.... sister..........."
- dont tell them that their people are cold/unloving and that they should probably just marry someone who isnt from their homeland
- dont tell them you cant understand a word they say but they are cute so you like them
- dont point out how blond/tall/different they are.
- dont talk to their companion like they dont understand

Not that any of this has happened to me.

Then this lovely girl from the YW who is after the elders chose who said the prayer in the gospel principals class and apparently I did something wrong. She looked at me with vengance and said uhhmmm sister BLOND can say the closing prayer. haha. I am making friends here!

Other things happened this week. More embarassing things and now the elder tease me and say that adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy. Because sister neptune fell and everyone enjoyed it. I wont go into details. I need balance!

This week I missed my mother. i tried calling but our cell phone doesnt make phone calls to the US. Que pena! But Dont worry mom, your prayers have been answered and our mold problems are gone! woohoo! Our house is being painted as we speak. It will be so pretty!

The work is going great, it is really difficult but at the end of the day I know we are doing our part.

Our dear Jasmin (recent baptism) has such family problems. Her mother is a strong women who needs to come to church. She wants help to find a place for her husband who is completly into drugs. Hes living on the streets and she cant have him in the house because he sells everything for drugs. She says when he lives with them they all go hungry. But at the same time Jasmin wants to know her father. In the end we said wed talk with the ward but i told her all we really have to offer as missionaries is our message. Because we know that this will make all the difference. That this is the most important gift we could bring her.

But its true. Because when we have the gospel we have everything.

i love you all! ate mais!


Yet Another Week

I cant believe how fast time is flying by! I have made it to 7 months in the mission! 7 months! I like this area and my companion so naturally the time is fying by even faster. I dont allow anyone to speak about transfers. I feel like it will curse everything.

This week was good. I fell a lot. One time down the stairs in our house and another time in the street with the elders. i think elder alvarenga is still laughing. How kind. Luckily I got up fast enough to cause attention. Unluckily im all bruised. Just when I thought i was growing out of my 21 year long klutzy stage.

Last sunday there was an announcement in church to clean the chapel. So being the charitable missionbaries we are we showed up at the chapel at 8 am (and forced the elders too) to join in the effort, to make a good appearance for the ward. We waited and then one man showed up. Just a normal ward member. So just the 5 of us cleaned the chapel. It was a bit frustrating that no one else made the effort but ther elders were smart and they made this notice and applied it to the bulletin board ( I attached the picture) It says " ward chapel cleaning 08/17- thank you for all your efforts!" and then a picture of the 5 of us. Im hoping the members will take it light heartedly!

I want to apologize for my horrible writing/sentence structure/spelling errors. I know its terrible but I dont have timne to edit. In other news, I speak in portuguese in my sleep! I have been for quite some time, I just forgot to mention it before. Pretty neat huh?

So the temple was nice last week. I got up early to do my hair. It looked lovely. then we walked in the rain on the bus in the train (I do not like green eggs and ham!) and It looked horrible when we showed up. Our money was supposed to come in that morning but it didnt. So we had to beg from other missionaries so we could get back home. And then a lovely little miracle happened. Sister Ribeiro was complaining about her hair in the bathroom and a woman from fortaleza who was a hairdresser just happened to be there! And she just happened to have time to do our hair! She made this lovely braid in sister ribeiros hair! then asked me if id like my hair down. I accepted. It was a poor choice. i think ALL the women in the temple were there watching as the really sweet kind woman was doing my hair. " you have such a beautiful face, wow such talent! yes the haiur is great but you two are so pretty! How neat!" so naturally I couldnt say anything as she teased and poofed and slicked my hair to my head. She used a whole bottle of hairspray. My hair looked wet. I looked like a big wet white rat. Ready for the prom! " Que Vergonha!" When all was down and everyone dispersed I ran into the bathroom stall, refusing to leave. My hair was past correction! what can you do with hair full of hairspray? NOTHING! So I did as much as i could, loosened it up enough to stop the piuniding in my brain and naturally when we left the temple all the elders in pour district were there waiting and laughing and ready to take pictures. I was mad. It was dramatic but frustrating! The picture with me and the sisters shows a little bit of what my hair was but trust me, it was worse. I washed my hair 4 times that night.

I think thats all the news I have for now. I love you. I miss you! Do whats right!


Ola Todo Mundo!

I have found out the reason why woman arent neccesarily encouraged to serve missions. Because the prophet knows we will return much uglier and ths never marry and thus ruins the whole plan. Im joking, sort of. But I know my feet will never be the same. My toes especially. I know my skin will never be the same. (dont worry mom, im using sunscreen!) and I know that due to the heightened rate smokers (of all kinds of things) here in sao paulo there is a good chance ill get lung cancer.

But no worries because the effects are short trm as well. I have finally conquered curling my hair with a straightner! Thanks to the help of the RS pres here. But just moments later it is COMPLETLY straight again. This morning my hair looked like Taylor swifts, I put on makeup choosed an outfit and looked in the mirror and I had straight hair again.IlovethemissionIlovethemission. Then to add insult to injury it was garuando (rain that is like a thick fog) so I i cursed the air and threw my hair in an ugly old aunt jemimah bun. And 7 months with the same clothes. My District leader called me "fresca" (prissy) and maybe hes right. Its just frustrating when you can never look pretty. Never. We  tried so hard on saturday to look nice for the baptism and we even got a ride there. but then we sacrificed our ride and walked 40 min in the fog rain. I showed up and shook my hair and all the elders laughed at me.


We had a baptism this week- it was great! And hopefully we have another this saturday! I like this area!

I was thinking while in our District Meeting today about the difference between the church back home and here. One main difference is here the wards are a bit weaker, very few people go out of there way to get to know or help others. Its hard to work with the wards because everyone has good intentions and even better excuses. Back home the wards are stronger and everyone is ready to help, to be the first to lift a helping hand. (yes this is all generalzation but stay with me here). But here in Brasil no one is too shy to pass on a reference to us, or to bring a friend to church. The problem is will they stay. back home I fee like we are super afraid to invite our friends and open our mouths which is a shame because we know that our wards are strong and we know that these people will stay in the church because theyll have a home teacher and a calling and on and on. So heres my theory, lets cut the negatives of these two cultures and apply the good. Easier said than done right? And im a missionary, living a bit of an idealistic situation. But still, just food for thought. We know what we have is awesome, what are we doing to share it?

Sometimes We think about the spirit world after this and we know well be missionaries there and everyone accepts this and thinks its great but remember that we will be there what we are here.

Ok, my weekly rant is through.

My week was great. All the elders from our zone came to knock doors in our area and now we have lots of people to visit! they are great. Sister Ribeiro got really sick but all is well now. Were really excited for the temple this week, 3 months without the temple feels like an eternity! I am grateful im serving in a mission where we get to go to the temple!

I love you all I miss you all. I know there is a lot im forgetting to write but I cant remember now. I have lots of good pictures to send but im without my camera at the moment!


sis neptune

Hello All

My Dear Friends and Family!

How are you? This week has been great. It really is flying by. Today our zone spent yet another day on the Islha da bororre. The 1st time  was cool. The 2nd time was cool. The 3rd time more or less. but the 4th time! The 4th time means I have been in this zone for way too long and this zone has nothing neat to do on pday. But thats ok! Next week we are going to t he temple. And I have never been so excited to go to the temple and I think its because I have never passed so much time without going to the temple. How great is is that I stayed in the same zone, the only zone who hasnt gone yet?

Im still loving my companion and learning so much about helping people make commitments. We have three people marked for baptism and have a couple others in the lew for this week. We have a baptism this week. Jasmin! shes only 11 but  her sister is a  less active member and her cousin is a member in our ward. Shes reading and marking the book of mormon every day. She invited her other cousin to go to church this last sunday and coincidently the elders had already taught this cousin. They are reading and praying together and the elders in our ward so grasciously allowed us to teach the cousin as well! Even though she lives in their side of the ward.

We had really great experiences this week with our lessons. I wish I had a lot of time to write but one day you can read my journal for the full edition.

We passed by the home of an eternal investgator the other night. He daughter is already baptized and she is amazing. She is already a member minus the whole baptism part. She cant quit smoking but when it came time to leave a message sister riberio looked at me for a scripture I flipped through book of mormon and felt inclined to read ether 12. But I shrugged it off for a moment because I love ether 12 and its my decoy scripture. Then sister ribeiro said ether 12? Aha! so it was the spirit. It was  one of those moments where I had no idea what I was saying it was just warmth. Afterward we makred her again for the 17th pf this month. Shes soo soo great. I hope with all my heart she can quit smoking to be baptized. She  deserves it.

I was  thinking this week about how great it is to have the gospel in my life. I dont have one doubt. I am completly at peace. i dont know what my future holds I am so far from having the most impotant tgings settled ie: husband, job etc but I have the gosepl. I  dont need to worry. God will guide me, hell take care of me.  That is the message so many missionaries are trying to bring the world. Just happiness. Thats the message we bring. Its not any easy life by any means but what life is easy? You might as well be working hard for the right things. Because when it comes down to it everyone one in the world puts their faith in something, why not put your faith into the one who can bring you etrnal joy? This is the church of Jesus Christ. I am so happy to represent him.

Dont forget to do your part! Help the missionaries, or help yourself  with your testimony,  do what you need to do to use the atonement of christ! I love you all and I am so grateful for you all in my life. Sometimes I cant believe how blessed I really am!

Sister Neptune

Zona Grajau!

So I have been transferred and I am SO happy! I am currently with my DREAM companion. I love her so much. Before the transfer we talked on the phone a bit because sister silva and her are friends and we kept joking about opening an area together in the interior. The morning of the transfers, " And sister Reibero will be opening Cocaia A with Sister Neptune!" Yessssss! So I am opening an area, again.  And I am in the zone of Grajau, again. Yes, I have moved literally 2 miles away from my old area. I have passed in my old chapel about three times already since the transfer. I have seen everybody from my old ward and so its like nothing has really changed. Anyway, after we cheered and decided that we are in fact prophetic we headed to our new home.

And then died. Because our new home is the sickest thing you have ever layed eyes on. And I dont mean sick as in cool I mean sick as in "what have I gotten myself into!?" The house is actually relatively nice just very poorly taken care of. We spent to days cleaning it until 12 am. It was horrendous. There was an civilization of mosquitos living in the kitchen and bugs in the fridge and green potatoes. I almost died. But thank goodness Heavenly Father knows my tolerance level and I have yet to see one coackroach. No one had lived there for over a month. Its just.... just 11 more months until a clean house! ( I found out this week that Brasil isnt a 1st world country, it makes a lot more sense now) But dont worry, the house is much cleaner now there is still unsighlty mold all over the walls but we did what we could. We have a tankina! Which is like a wash machine but isnt a washing machine! Its all the rage here in Brasil. And our neighbor has a dryer! a dryer! I was so excited when he offered it to us I said to my companion "ill be just so happy when the clothes come out warm (because the days were cold) " and she said " sister (while laughing) the clothes wont come out warm theyll just come out more or less not so wet. TUDO BEM!

Our area is strange because we share one ward with another set of elders. So its one area for 4 missionaries and we have lunch together every day. Its strange. Its weird being around elders for so much of our day. It just isnt right! But they are great and so we all have fun together. The area is huge and has tons of favelas! I was walking in the biggest favela I have ever sen the other day and I was just in awe. Nut dont worry, it was the elders area. And we have a list of areas we arent allowed to go near after dark due to the drug trafficking. And when we do walk past the areas the elders are always there. What gentleman.

Our ward meets in a chacora. I dont know how to define it except it isnt a chapel. Its pretty and there is one building for the chapel and one for the classes. Its like a camp almost. And there are tons of banana, avocado and mango trees! I personally love it. The ward is so warm and we were able to view a baptism for our ward this saturday it was a baptism for the elders but we have managed to mark someone for the 10th of this month already! The ward of miracles. The feeling is really different hear. I love the members!

And my companion- shes probably a a tiny bit shorter than my Anna and just as cute! Shes from the interior of Brasila Goiania and shes as white as me with green eyes! Oh she is so pretty! She baptized 3 years ago and she has one year in the mission. Its really hard  to sleep because we just want to talk until way late. Really I adore her. We have the attitude towards work and towards obedience and relationships with our investgators. Really, i couldnt be more happy. Shes one of those friends where you know you knew her before this life and we have found eachother again! She talks as fast as anything but boy do we laugh! I am learning so much from her and she has the greatest testimony. Shes really good at commiting people.

Other than that the week has been a bit slow. We are starting from square one. Just finding people and teaching and working hard! And luaghing a bit harder!

I love you all, I miss you all. The summer is coming soon and I am afraid. Keep me in your prayers!


"Sister Silva... you are being transferred..."

The transfer calls came last night and I was so surprised when the secretaries wanted to talk with my companion. But dont worry because as soon as they told her she was being transferred they then asked to me too. And I have been transferred as well! Yes, thats right. I opened this area with sister fonseca just to close it with sister silva! And they arent replacing it with sisters, it will be an elder area! i am a bit sad that my JD Mirna is going to be elder teritory not to mention the awesome house we live in but I really hope/know its all for the best. i think its the boost this area needs, a complete new change!

I wont know until tomorrow where my new area is or who my new companion will be but its all up in the air. Every single sister companionship was mingled with. So I could go anywhere. i am excited though because I love all the sisters who will be recieving a sister.  It's exciting! The ward members are bummed to lose us though. 

As for my last week in Jd Mirna... it was boring. How can this be? im a missionary, life is never boring! Unless your companion gets a 102 degree fever and you are confined to the house for a week. Then to add insult to injury I had to go to the DMV of Brasilian health care with my companion. Its completly free but completly the DMV of healthcare- just think about it. Theres no such thing as free! Then the next day I got to go to the DMV of laws to get a paper signed for my companion by a notary of sorts. All in all its a relief I havent gotten sick;caught a strange disease from all the oublic, confined spaces.

I did learn how to be a great Brasilian house wife though. I cooked, i cleaned and practically read the entire book of mormon. Have I mentioned how to clean houses here? Its great when you dont have carpet because you sweep everything and then throw water on the ground afterward. swish swish swish! I washed all of my clothes by hand because our wash machine (ish) broke. then i put it in the sun to dry. I cooked manjioca and farrofa and rice and beans. All in all I am grateful to start over in a new area and return to missionary work! 

I gave my 1st talk in Sacrament yesterday. I wrote it all in english 1st and then  translated. I thought it would tae an eternity but it was actually really quick! I felt good about the talk. I talked about alma 37:6-7 and focusing on the small, simple and important things like family prayer, scripture study and church attendance. And oncewe fortify ourselves we can help with the missionary work. I hope it helped someone, I hope they understood when i spoke! WQe had an all time low of 40 people in the chapel and 0 investigators. I love this area, but a change will be nice. 

Thats really all the general news i have for this week. I love you all and i am grateful for the support from everyone. thank you! The church is true. The book of mormon has power beyond imagination! I love you!

(and all the kids in this LAN house are trying to speak english and are using some choice curse words. im pretending like I cant hear them)

kensie! sister neptune